That’s why I was so pleased when I recently ran into Gabriele Bungardt and her web site, http://www.ipaintyourpet.net/. Bungardt, who lives and works in Alameda, Calif. is an incredible animal portrait artist. She is well-known throughout northern California as well as throughout the United States and Europe.
Bungardt grew up in Germany in the ‘50s with dogs – lots of them. Her father trained hunting dogs and owned many wirehaired dachshunds and German pointers over the years. Gabriele’s fondest childhood memories include her adventures following dogs into the woods surrounding her home town. Their companionship and protective nature allowed the young girl to roam the forests without worry.
After a very successful career as an Industrial Designer in the Bay Area, Bungardt decided to do something that would allow her to combine her two passions – painting and pets. In just a few years, she was receiving all kinds of kudos for her paintings. The local press has embraced her painting style and the pet community keeps her busy painting pets year-round.
Gabriele moves between larger than life size portrait commissions to more abstract story telling pieces that relate the canine world in a unique and compelling way. She uses a multi-layered application of acrylic paint to achieve depth and three-dimensionality.
Bungardt usually paints her animal portraits from photos, but normally likes to meet the pets first, so that she can get a feel for the animal’s personality.
What attracts Bungardt to pet portraiture? “I love to paint pets, because for one, it’s very relaxing and fulfilling,” she said. “When I am able to capture their expressions and character, I find it so satisfying. I concentrate on the animal’s eyes and if I can get the eyes right, I know I’ve done a good job. I also love the challenge of painting the different breeds.”
Bungardt’s paintings will be featured on Sept 8th though the 29th at the Alameda Women Artists 15th Annual Museum Exhibit at the Alameda Museum in Alameda. There will be an opening reception on Saturday, September 8th from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.